Noble☆Works Full Translation Patch Released

And you can find it here! Merry Christmas!

Perhaps the easiest way to purchase a copy of Noble☆Works is through Amazon. Note that Yuzusoft does not have a downloadable version of the game, and it officially ships only within Japan, so you will need to make use of a mail forwarding service or something of that nature, assuming you live outside Japan.


Thank you to Keisuke because I’m awesome (this portion written by Fiddle); lead translator/image editor Fiddle; our other translators Secchan (who is also responsible for kicking off the translation), KiritoCy, Dark Blank, Solo Spieler, and Exiled; last-ditch translator Ephemeralist, whose extensive knowledge solved numerous complicated situations; our editor Twoo; TiagOfVarela and Decay, whose beta testing efforts went above and beyond to eliminate many a typo and fix awkward or ambiguous phrasing; Eclipsed, who wrote a detailed walkthrough for Noble☆Works on Fuwanovel; and OriginalRun, for his various forms of moral support.

If you experience technical problems, you can ask in the comments section of the Downloads page.

Posted in Translation | 61 Comments

Sena Route Translation Complete – Release Date: December 24th

The translation of Sena’s route is now complete! Credit to Solo Spieler and Secchan for their contributions and Fiddle for finishing it off.

But today we have news even bigger than Sena’s mammaries. With this route complete, translation is now at 100%! Those of you who have been watching us intently have surely noticed some extended periods of little to no translation progress, and some of you have politely demanded an explanation for said periods, to which we replied that we had been checking/proofreading other routes in that time. Well, now you may assume that this information was accurate, because we’ve made so much progress in that regard that we will be able to release the full patch quite soon after the 100% translation that took place today: On December 24th!

Again, that’s December 24th, 2015, two days from now, Christmas Eve, the fourth anniversary of Yuzusoft’s original release of Noble☆Works.

From Keisuke and Fiddle: Thank you all for your support and patience.

Posted in Translation | 52 Comments

We Translate Doujinshi Now!

Secchan, our mascot and one of our translators, has recently taken up an unhealthy addiction to certain characters which enjoy prominence only in doujinshi (short, fan-made manga), and because we didn’t feel like setting up an intervention for him, we’ve decided to embrace his desire to spread these doujinshi to the world.

Thus, he and I (Fiddle) have teamed up to Anglicize these publications, he doing the translations and I the image editing and making fun of his translations. You can download them under our new Doujinshi tab. Fear not; many more are to come in the future.

Doujins that are 18+ will be labeled as such. The only one we have at the time of this announcement is all-ages.

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The Superior Superiority of the Oxford Comma #15

One might observe that articles pertaining to the almighty Oxford comma have been especially scarce recently. This is due to various reasons, including but not probably limited to the moe-induced deterioration of my neurons. Also, I’ve run out of adjectives to put before the “Superiority” in the title, and no, screw you, “Superior” is a totally legit one.

In any case, I believe it would be wise to conclude this series, at least for the time being. I would say with a straight face if you could see my face right now that this group is dedicated to the pursuit of the Oxford comma’s benevolently dictatorial reign. That whole translation thing is merely an attempt to indoctrinate a particular, manageable group of people at once; divide and conquer, so to speak. However… what’s the phrase? To quote Thomas E. Dewey, you know that your future is still ahead of you.

So here is a summary of the previous articles’ arguments in favor of the superiority of the Oxford comma:

  • The first article introduced the Oxford comma in general, allowing newcomers to bask in its radiant glory.
  • The second and fourteenth appealed to ethos, pointing out that those organizations that endorse the Oxford comma can generally be called reputable, and those that oppose it can indeed generally be called disreputable, even acting upon a conflict of interest.
  • The third, which was notably elaborated upon in the fourth, explored the lay argument often employed by both supporters and assailants of the Oxford comma, in which both sides state that their point of view is correct by means of ambiguity brought about with appositions in particular grammatical constructions; I demonstrated that there are situations which work for the argument of either side, but that mathematically, the usage of the Oxford comma is favorable in this regard.
  • In the fifth, I explained how the absence of the Oxford comma, as well as inconsistency in using or neglecting it, leads to ambiguity when we have lists not including the word “and” or “or.”
  • In the sixth, I cited a book explaining that only the Oxford comma accords with the order and cadence of sentences.
  • In the seventh, I explained that the absence of the Oxford comma disturbs one’s reading.
  • In the eighth, I explained the various ways in which the semicolon serves as an outward proof of the Oxford comma’s rightfulness.
  • In the ninth and twelfth, I indicated that the Oxford comma is necessary in certain syntactic constructions surrounding three-item lists, including but not limited to those involving direct address.
  • In the tenth, I explained that being consistent with the Oxford comma is important, especially due to the fact that it matches the flow of spoken sentences.
  • In the eleventh, I demonstrated that, while I often argue in favor of rearranging items in a list to achieve optimum clarity, the Oxford comma is also superior when a list abides by a certain order.
  • In the thirteenth, I proved that the figures of speech asyndeton and polysyndeton serve as proponents to the noble Oxford comma’s cause.

And now for something completely different: In contrast to what recent translation updates might lead you to believe, we’ve been making progress as usual, just not visible progress, as we display on the website only our progress in terms of raw translation. We’ve been doing checking/proofreading/testing/fgfgf, so you can rest with at least the satisfaction of knowing that the time between the translation’s conclusion and the actual release will be shortened.

Posted in Oxford Comma | 1 Comment

Shizuru Route Translation Complete

Shizuru’s route has been fully translated! A big thanks to Dark Blank for getting started on it and a huge kudos to Fiddle for finishing it off.

We’re almost there. Just one more route to trek.

Expect some downtime regarding translation progress during the next few weeks.

At this point, I’m going to say Shizuru as a character has overtaken Hinata at my #2 spot for best girl ranking, and although everyone on the team may will diagree with me, I believe her route is the best (with Maya’s route in tow). It also contains the most entertaining h-scenes.

Fiddle would like to reiterate that the above statement does not express the opinions of The Oxford Comma is Superior Subs as a whole, just that of our dictator.

Posted in Translation | 4 Comments

Noble☆Works Translation One-Year Anniversary Update

“That’s one small step for Yuzusoft translation projects. One giant leap for moege-kind.” – Fiddle

July 19, a day that will live in infamy. Also, the one-year anniversary of the first project of The Oxford Comma is Superior Subs: Noble☆Works!

In case you’ve been living under a rock during the better part of the year, our progress for this particular project has come quite a ways. The most intensive stage of our translation/checking/editing/eatingdoritos/proofreading/whatever has advanced to such a point that the only routes left to finish are Shizuru and Sena. Even though there have not been any signs of visible progress lately, rest assured we are hard at work on things related to the project, like forehead analysis, for example.

That said, it’s time to get more hyped than Shizuru at a shogi tournament.


To kick off the celebrations, we present to you screenshots taken from various heroine routes we’ve newly translated, for indeed, it is our highest priority to tickle the fancies of our followers without cessation.

Shizuru and Takumi spend some time screwing.

Akari is very daring.

Against Fiddle’s better judgment, Keisuke insisted that this line not, in fact, read ” Nyuhuhuhu… Maya-chan, u jelly?”

Need material?

Kotetsu knows his analogies.

Creepy Uncle Makoto.

Kickin’ it with Kotetsu.

Next up, we are proud to say we are finally able to reveal a public release date due to the amount of progress that has been accomplished and the recent consistency with which we have done so. Truly, this is an unprecedented move on our part in all regards, for anybody who would have heard a previous release date we hypothetically made—which, again, we assure you is a nonexistent one—has been strategically eliminated. Now, the release date!

In addition to all of this, we are excited to release never-before-seen translations for Sanobawitch, courtesy of Secchan, because we have our priorities straight! You may or may not notice that these translations are fresh off the grill; to your liking, they are 110% Secchan, untouched by the foul hands of any other group members. Also, we will have to imagify the lines so as to prevent spamminess:


In order to play the game while reading the above superb translations, you can get the trial at Yuzusoft’s website.

Can’t wait to play the translated version of this game. Is there a group out there translating it? I mean, we aren’t, but man, wouldn’t it be cool if there were a group working on it?

And finally, we cap things off with the all-too-perfect proverbial icing on the cake: foreheads! Whose bewitching brow might we have in store today, I wonder? Let’s take a suspenseful view…

Unya! Could this be…

A certain pink-haired kouhai’s forehead?

Let’s see at last…

(Comprehensive forehead analysis is a recurring theme of our Fuwanovel topic, if you would like further information.)

Happy Anniversary!

“Cinnamon buns are underrated.” – Fiddle, when asked for his thoughts on this occasion

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Hinata Route Translation Complete

Uynu? Hinata translation has been completed! Thanks go to Exiled for getting us started on it and to Fiddle for finishing it in such record time, given when he picked it up after returning from hiatus.

Three routes down, two more to go!

Note: Fiddle will be checking translations for the Akari route for a while, so progress in terms of pure translations will most likely stall momentarily.

Posted in Translation | 2 Comments

The Undeniable Superiority of the Oxford Comma #14

This article essentially serves as an extension of S01E02, in which I delved into various organizations’ policies on the Oxford comma, because my elitist philosophy compels me to have others look toward authority for their answers, especially when I’m authority.

I discussed the most important and grammarful organizations such as The Chicago Manual of Style, the Modern Language Association, and the American Psychological Association. It goes without saying that the most significant one, the most noble one, the bastion of hope, righteousness, and inconceivable bravery within hostile British territory, the glorious basilica of all language matters, Oxford University, is among these. And don’t get me started on that rumor that they denounced it, because a certain iniquitous spy within the palace’s grounds who made such an arrogant assertion did not nearly represent the infallibility of Oxford in so doing, and he may rightfully be labeled as literally Hitler.

Now, in addition to these, we can find numerous examples of grammatical justice in our everyday lives. In short, a decisive majority of reputable sources employ the Oxford comma when compared to those that do not. Every dictionary, online or in the scary world, that I’ve read—and one might assume that I’ve read an inordinate quantity—uses the comma. Oxford Dictionary included, obviously. I would link to more, but they tend to have hella ads and my browser is only so resilient.

Obviously, an arbitrary selection of anecdotal examples would prove insufficient with a grammatical structure that can exist in practically any context, but when it comes to any piece of trustworthy anything written in English, the Oxford comma prevails by a noticeable margin, and you can see this for yourself if you masochistically subject yourself to my habit of analyzing such matters.

Onto relatively more tangible instances: Despite the egocentric tendency of journalist companies to drop the comma, there exist some (the more reputable, of course), that do not pursue this infamous policy. At the least, even such organizations as British The Guardian recognize that its absence may cause ambiguity, and while I do not support this promiscuous flip-flopping, it serves as an implicit yearning for truth and a step in the right direction. The comma also makes fluctuating appearances at The Atlantic, but I got no idea what’s going on with those guys.

And this is a trite argument of which I do not entirely approve, but for the sake of assuming some sort of comprehensiveness, Shakespeare used it. I also contemplated discussing translations of the Bible with regard to this matter, but because of reasons, never mind.

Finally, and most importantly, how often does one see a zealous advocate against the Oxford comma? Those who support it do so because of its brilliant and innate righteousness, while those who fail to use it are more inclined to turn a blind, conniving eye, much like the contrast in volume between those who are the victims and those who are the proponents of social injustices upon which I will not elaborate. I naturally rely upon ethos with this case, for you may be aware that I more readily than the average individual immerse myself into the most unwelcoming depths of the Internet in which productive arguments on the subject of grammar occur. If ever you find somebody whose fervor on this matter parallels my own, and who also opposes the Oxford comma, please point them in my general direction.

Posted in Oxford Comma | 2 Comments

The Unadjectivable Superiority of the Oxford Comma #13

In a previous article, I explained how the existence of indefinite lists of items serves as another proof of the Oxford comma’s superiority. In rhetoric, this method of linking items without the use of a conjunction is referred to as asyndeton. This word comes from the Greek prefix a-, meaning “not,” and syndé, meaning “link.” Why does this matter? Because screw you Greek roots are hella important stop judging my run-on sentence.

Anyway, as any professional old white guy can tell you, the construction of the above word leads one to believe that it comes with a counterpart, and it does: polysyndeton. This refers to a list in which many or all of the items are linked with a conjunction. You can find some good examples here, but I prefer breakfast examples as usual:

“I found plates stuffed with tons of pancakes and eggs and waffles and sausages.”

One can also place commas between every two items:

“I found plates stuffed with tons of pancakes, and eggs, and waffles, and sausages.”

This technique is useful not only for elaborate language as above, but also to signify that a character is speaking in a stream of consciousness, thinking up a new item each moment in a manner characteristic of Hinata’s speech.

Polysyndeton is as much a supporter of the Oxford comma as asyndeton. Like Mr. Semicolon, it proves that a comma should logically exist after the penultimate item of a list, because each item, in contrast to a common argument by heathens, is grammatically the same. The “and” or “or” does exist in the previous items, but is omitted by ellipsis. And what if the naysayer decides to go crazy omit the final comma still?

“I found plates stuffed with tons of pancakes, and eggs, and waffles and sausages.”

Now we don’t know whether “waffles and eggs” is/are one item or two. Obviously, this problem is unavoidable with polysyndeton because that “and” mess will remain after any rearrangement.

In short, the infidels want you to believe that the final item of a list is special because it gets an “and” or “or” instead of a comma, but we can prove that that isn’t true by citing asyndeton, which is ellipsis overload, and polysyndeton, which is ellipsis underload. All grammatical items are equal!


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The Incontestable Superiority of the Oxford Comma #12

In a previous article, I alluded to a particular problem with failing to use the Oxford comma in three-word lists: Some syntactic arrangements result in a noun immediately preceding a list, which makes the veritable listness of the list uncertain. The example sentence used was, “In the midst of chaos, terror and despair were beacons of hope.” That’s the inferior version, of course.

But as the omniscient deity that is Lord Oxford Comma descended upon me recently, He exhibited yet again His limitless benevolence by enlightening me with another possibility. The above arrangement can exist with other types of phrases as well, namely direct address.

The following is a popular image embodying this instance. Well, it’s popular among people who spend a few hours each morning looking up various tidbits concerning the Oxford comma, which is a noteworthy demographic, I’m sure.Anyway:

oxford comma1

For a more reasonable (a.k.a. boooring) example, “I invited Jeff, Joe and John.” Evidently, this lack of clarity can arise in numerous instances, making it all the more pernicious if that final comma is absent.

This article is too short.

You know who had very feminine handwriting? John Quincy Adams. Seriously, this is his signature:


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