Dracu-Riot! Status Update Part Two: Electric Boogaloo

I shall try to be as transparent as possible in this post. That makes this sound bad for some reason, but nah, we’re just giving you updates on shizzle.

Now, while it may not be in my best interest to bring up the following details, I shall remind you that our initial plan for the first Dracu-Riot! patch would be 100% translation, editing, and image editing, etc. I also offered the (very) rough estimate of two months until the first patch.

Evidently the (very!) rough estimate of two months was inaccurate, and to disclose some significant information, the editing, while many thorough hours have been poured into it, has not progressed to the degree that my considerable optimism led on.

I hesitate to remind you of our previous estimates because, well, it seems as though nobody paid careful attention to the details, and so I wouldn’t expect much incoming criticism, but regardless, it would weigh on my conscience to conveniently leave out the above information.

And it also weighs on my conscience that my estimates have not met reality, so I shall now announce to those who did properly read the information I provided earlier that we are going to release a first patch in the near future, one that meets all of our previous goals except that it will not include any modification to Staircase Subs’ writing of the non-Miu heroine routes; Miu’s route will be fully translated and proofread and whatnot, and the image editing and in-game translation notes will be complete, but in contrast to what we previously declared, this first patch will not contain our editing progress on the other heroine routes.

What is the status on this upcoming patch? Well, all the translation is complete, the image editing is just about complete, the editing of the common route through to Staircase Subs’ progress on the Miu route is complete, and the proofreading of the common route is complete. We’re also proofreading Miu’s route (including both our and Staircase Subs’ translation), which is about halfway done and doesn’t take long. In addition to that, we will spend a little time tying up loose ends on the hacking, as the technicalities that enable in-game translation notes and a patch for the downloadable version of Dracu-Riot! will take a little (legit, a little) time.

Thus, while we naturally hesitate to offer an estimate date on this first patch, you should be able to observe from the above information that there isn’t much remaining work for it, so you can expect it rather soon.

Incidentally, for those who have undertaken the policy of waiting until our final patch, complete with editing and translation checking, we should simply say that this final patch, by any estimate, will take a lot of time. We just want you to make an informed decision.

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88 Responses to Dracu-Riot! Status Update Part Two: Electric Boogaloo

  1. Loli Eater says:

    I know you didn’t want to specify an estimated date, but can we at least assume the first patch will be released maybe sometime this month?


  2. Aerial_ace says:

    Awesome love that progress has been made and excited for the patch when it drops. Keep up the good work fellas


  3. Ashmedia says:

    No worries mate i’d be glad to see you complete the full translation and i really appreciate all the hard work you’ve put into the project~!!!



  4. boomboy121 says:

    It’s alright this game has been worked on for god knows how long, anyone whose stuck around this long is probably willing to wait until hell freezes over. Good luck with the translating!


  5. Searies says:

    Agreed with the others, take your time with the project. Myself and a lot of other people have already been waiting patiently, we can wait some more. Thanks a ton for bringing this project to life.


  6. You-kun says:

    What do you mean by final patch will take a lot of time? Early 2017? Mid 2017? 2018? I willing to wait for final patch but after that long waiting if you die on me I might go berserk or something.


    • Fiddle says:

      That’s the point I’d like to make: Since there is much editing to be done (both in quantity and quality) on editor Decay’s part, and much translation checking on my part―and I will be quite busy in the foreseeable future―we can’t give much of a reliable estimate beyond what anyone else can, but we at least know that it will be quite a while. I added that piece of information so that everyone may make an educated, independent decision on that matter, and thus we will not be held accountable for anyone’s berserkness.

      Bear in mind that, as mentioned in our initial announcement of this project, we will be releasing multiple patches containing segments of progress after the first patch. So, if one is interested in Azusa but believes that Elina is a slut, then he might be content with a patch containing the editing/TLCing progress on Azusa’s route but not Elina’s, if it ends up that we work in such a manner that such a patch will come into existence.


  7. awilson338 says:

    Nonetheless oxford, thank you so much for picking up this project. I have loved the game since it first came out (fell in love with Miu’s eyes) and it made me laugh quite often. Thanks again.


  8. ArchmageTay says:

    So after reading this post as carefully as I did the last one, what I’m hearing is the patch is 100% and totally done and you’re ready for us to rally all available resources to build an overwhelming hype/expectation bubble in preparation of an imminent release.

    Cool. Done!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Balzac says:

      They’re waiting to see if they can sell the translation to Sekai Project to rake in the money.


      • k3u says:

        Not this again…as I said in the last post they won’t be selling this to sekai project or anyone else because much of the translation was done by another team (Staircase Subs). And even if they made a deal with Insem and sekai project (unlikely) you can’t complain much because you aren’t entitled to free stuff.


  9. Poompetch says:

    Thanks for the progression update. I totally understand why you did not post the exact date of when the first or final patch will be release and I will continue to check this website on a daily basis.


  10. ktphuc1994 says:

    I have no worry about the other routes. Finished them long before (maybe the same time as you announced you very first involvement in Dracu-Riot).
    The game is still there waiting for your final patch. Take you time. It was long enough so just 1 or 2 more weeks (or maybe months) is not a big problem anymore ㄟ( θ﹏θ)厂


    • Mashiro says:

      Months would be a problem, since they just have to proofread half of a route, and finish the hacking.
      Still, I’m glad that they are doing this, and that it’s so close to the end.


  11. Safet says:

    You know Fiddle I could read your texts like that one above the whole day. It somehow calms my heart while reading (maybe I should consult a doctor just in case).
    On another note just wanted to say thanks for your and other members hard work.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thikas2planks says:

    What so many others have said take your time, i’d rather wait longer and have something done well than have it rushed and messy. Your doing what you said you would and I’ve been waiting for the complete translation for a long time so thank you very much

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Anon says:

    Is Miu S or M?


  14. charlbeef says:

    whoa…. i feel so lucky, for noticing this at the peak of its completion…
    i am willing to wait a year. lol i haven’t waited long enough compared to the others

    i give my thanks and regards to you guys from one human to another.


  15. Pokenar says:

    These things happen. All I ever ask is that we’re given progress updates , even if only to say “reminder that we aren’t dead!”
    I also feel it is a wise decision to split the goals up.


    • Balzac says:

      Groups that come back after years of silence just to say “we’re totally not dead guys!” tend to be scumbags, just saying.


      • Mashiro says:

        That’s not bad yet. If they come back, at least you have someone who still may not finish the translation, but at the very least will make some progress. Maybe another group will come someday and finish. And during those years of absence you can still learn some japanese. Just don’t be lazy.

        The worse thing is when the Translation Group doesn’t give updates, or doesn’t say in their updates anything about things, that will sooner or later become publicly known, and anger a lot of people. Just like with the SakuSaku translation, or infamous AoKana translation.

        Here we have progress. Though I wouldn’t mind if there was an actual progress chart, I’m happy to see that the translation is moving forward, and that the thing most of the people are waiting for i.e. Mio’s route, is close to being finally released.


      • Balzac says:

        I dunno, I just feel like if they have NOTHING to report except the fact that they apparently are really totally still working on this, then they probably haven’t actually given a shit about the project in a long time but still want to try to pretend they’re still relevant and worthy of attention. Even worse when they get super defensive and start complaining about how “we have real lives too!” as if this is somehow a unique situation, and clearly all of the groups that actually manage to release things must not have lives at all. If they really cared about the project they could just shut up and let people forget about it for a while, and then release when it’s done as a pleasant surprise for everybody.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Balzac says:

        Also should make it clear I’m not really talking about this group or project here. These guys have released stuff in the past and things on this one seem to be moving along fine. Speaking more of some other groups I’ve seen in the past that go to great lengths to pretend they’re still relevant years after it’s obvious nobody is working on anything anymore.

        Liked by 1 person

  16. ihsanbi3 says:

    I’m used to it, just like waiting for Koichoco patches, I’ll wait this patiently. Thank you for your hard work guys 😀


  17. Ryuuna says:

    finally can’t wait for release be patient little (legit, a little) time.


  18. X says:

    Just leaving a comment so that I’ll get updates. You translators are heaven sent! 😀


  19. Zaroz Kurokami says:

    Hello, members of the Oxford Comma. As there is no place on the blog to contact you guys directly, I figured that posting here was my best bet. I was wondering, would it at all be possible for you to include an RSS/Atom link on your blog? I don’t have a wordpress account and don’t want to have to add another set of credentials to the already excessive list that I have >.> I try to use Royal RSS reader whenever possible to consolidate the various blogs that I follow. I do see that you have an option to subscribe via email to new posts, but I use my email regularly for work and creating a new account would be the same problem as creating a wordpress account. Just thought I would ask, as it is also a good way for you to keep followers in the loop.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Yue says:

    Slight question as far as the Editing goes. How bad is the StaircaseSubs translation that it require to be edited once more? (as I’m assuming they at least did a first pass at it long ago)
    Is it just spelling mistakes here and there or complete meaning/phrases that are wrong and need to be retranslated properly?


    • Balzac says:

      It’s not that bad really. I mean I can’t speak for the accuracy of it, and the guy doesn’t have the best reputation in the world, but I don’t remember anything particularly jumping out at me during the one and a half routes I read before deciding to wait for the whole thing to be translated. I’d say it’s of generally better and more consistent quality (at least what of it I read) than HoshiMemo was, for what that’s worth.


  21. Borok says:

    So will this actually get released in September or will it get pushed back to Christmas?


  22. Hazela7 says:

    Nearing the end of September, any updates ma boi?


  23. I heard miu route patch will be released this month or next month. is that true?


  24. Balzac says:

    Aww, just realized you guys edited one of my favorite lines from Insem’s patch. https://whatimg.com/i/meuqFs.png


  25. Nhoj Alampay says:

    i can’t take it anymore i want to read it, but i still have the urge to wait for the full patch, so Keep up the good work im cheering for you guys


  26. Xeon says:

    Any update? O_O


  27. KainLegacy says:

    Here for support, “keep going, you are the best, that clothes looks amazing on you.”


  28. koenhoutepen says:

    Keep going at it you magnificent bastards!


  29. ReekaPeen says:

    Thanks for your hard work!


  30. Anonymous says:

    This is only a fairly small question I have, but why did you translate the organization the characters are in as Yin Yang Bureau? If I’m not mistaken they say onmyou which has a pretty different connotation related to Shinto and spirits of the supernatural, while yin and yang is a Chinese philosophy so they aren’t even related in any way. That is not to say I do not appreciate what you’ve done to translate this game to English, but if you could keep a little closer to the real meaning of the script that would go a long way to make it more enjoyable. Thank you.


    • Thikas2planks says:

      Stair case subs started with that not oxford comma, as they explained before they are changing things but their primary goal is to finish the character translation then go back and polish the rest up


    • Balzac says:

      Baka gaijins can’t understand complicated concepts like that. Yin Yang sounds like some vaguely asian sounding thing so let’s just go with that.


      • Anonymous says:

        Hey, I’m a gaijin too. But yeah, if it’s just for convenience I won’t complain. Leaving some translator’s notes for those who care in a separate text file would do just as well if that’s an option, there aren’t many areas that need to be explained anyway. Thanks for everything you’ve done to make it available in English.


    • First of all, onmyodo (Which BTW translates to “The Way of Yin Yang”) was adopted into Japan and became relatively widespread during the 6th century. It was based off of the chinese philosophies of Wu Xing (Five Elements) and Yin Yang. However, it received various influences from Taoism, Buddhism and Shintoism. In other words, onmyodo is basically an example of what I like to call cultural plagiarism (similar to how Greek and Roman gods were basically the same, but with different names). For more info: https://en.wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/Onmy%C5%8Dd%C5%8D


  31. Crumpleton says:

    You guys are P cool 😉


  32. Balzac says:

    I heard a rumor that they quashed the release because they decided they want to try to sell the translation, and then flip the middle finger to Insem who will get nothing for his contributions.


    • Anonymous says:

      Nah, that would be a *insert word for genitalia* move. Can’t say it never happened though, there’s a *insert word for excrement* company that just loves doing that.


      • Balzac says:

        Just seems that in my experience when groups get unnaturally quiet so suddenly like this, and refuse to give any concrete information when they were only too happy to do so before, it’s usually because they’re trying to sell the translation. Also explains prior events, since obviously one team member wasn’t clued in to plans to sell the translation. Wasn’t really any reason for them to try to cover the event up the way they did if it wasn’t something like this.


    • KiriyaAoi says:

      @Balzac, I don’t really think that’s the case. There was a brief comment on a forum post somewhere (I’m trying to find it, I thought it was Fuwanovel but I can’t find the thread now) stating they weren’t happy with the current state of things, so pulled the patch since most of the team wasn’t happy with the state of the TL in the patch.


  33. ReekaPeen says:

    How is the game progressing? if you don’t mind me asking? Thank you.


  34. hamon says:

    so nosebleed is using google translate to do the last half of miu’s route? and u guys are going to edit it?
    scroll up and u can see the comment that he type


  35. Reekus says:

    Any new updates?


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